ID 2214519


Product description:

The Omegon Collimation Laser makes collimating children's play

This sturdy laser unit allows you to swiftly and precisely collimate your Newtonian telescope. Only when the optics have been accurately collimated can the telescope offer you its full performance.

Light, robust and simple

The precision-made aluminium housing of the laser unit has a front opening from which the laser beam can be emitted. In order to obtain an optimal adjustment, it has a side window allowing a disk oriented at 45° with a central hole to be viewed.

This can be then later be used to see whether the laser is reflected back on itself, indicating well collimated optics.

This adjustment tool can be used in all 1.25" focusers.

We provide you with precise instructions in German, with a step-by-step explanation of how to adjust a Newtonian telescope using this laser unit. So, even if you are a newcomer to amateur astronomy, it is very simple to get the optimum performance out of your telescope.

Also built with the future in mind
The laser comes fully adjusted. It can however be further adjusted if required. It has three openings for adjustment, arranged at 120°, which are initially sealed. The battery for the laser can be exchanged at any time; the small screw cap at the rear of the laser must be first unscrewed to allow this.

With this laser you can collimate your Newtonian telescope in just a few minutes!

The advantages in a nutshell:

  • Precision collimation laser for Newtonian telescopes
  • The telescope can be collimated by just one person
  • 1,25'' barrel
  • 45° adjusting disk
  • German instruction book
  • supplied with CR2032 3V battery